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“E stran(e)a mente” Official Selection 2021 - Bogotá Experimental Film Festival


“E stran(e)a mente” è tra i 176 film di cinema sperimentale contemporaneo selezionati tra le 1061 opere provenienti da 45 paesi del mondo...

dal 1 agosto fino al 31 agosto è possibile vedere tutti i video della selezione ufficiale al Bogotá Experimental Film Festival tra i quali anche il mio "E-stran(e)a mente" inserito nella sezione "ANOMALIAS AUDIO-VISUALES"

We present our Official Selection 2021, which is our offer to the world and is the result of the work of visualization, classification and evaluation of 1061 audiovisual artworks, a task carried out in 3 phases by a team of 10 curators, where each work was studied up to 3 times by different professionals.

We selected 176 films of contemporary experimental cinema from 45 countries that represent a broad look at the avant-garde of audiovisual art created from 2019 to the present. Of all these works, the curatorial team has highlighted (Destacadas) some films from Colombia, Latin America and Other Latitudes (and longitudes), whose creative process and original search we believe reflect the current experimental audiovisual movement and for this reason will be appreciated by a jury, which will award the most relevant works of the year and some honorable mentions.


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